What does memory foam mean? Is the poor chair doomed to remember every arse tht has plonked down and depressed it's seat cushion to the depth of a cheese toastie? Lord how awful for it. Can it remember granny? No the foam didn't arrive until after granny snuffed it - only the wings will have a chance of remembering her and the arms. Maybe the old parts of the chair remember her with fondness and the new parts will sigh...
"There they go again. On and on about the good old days and watching the telly...".
Before it ws granny's chair the old chair will remember her hubby, Wilf. Who sat in it every night at 6pm, after his 'arrive back home wash'. "Just a lick and a promise for now love" he'd say but he never did lick and it was only a promise.
He'd lower his tired old backside down gingerly and pick up his pristine copy of the Daily Mail, turning to the sports pages after the briefest of glances at the headlines. Wilf was never one for keeping up with things and other than his beloved team and it wasn't often they made into the back pages of the Daily Mail. Still he read about the other clubs with interest and he settled himself in with a cup of tea and two rich tea biscuits - to whet his appetite before teatime proper.
"What's for tea love?" as granny bustled in, fussing about with his slippers in one hand and a tea towel with a picture of a London bus in the other - damp with the dishes.
"Egg and chips do ya?"
"Oooh lovely"...
As my good friend megsie would say... "That's it the end"...
I saw Jilly Coooper on the TV the other day. She says she knows the ending before she starts & her characters don't just meander about taking matters into their own hands. She has taken four years to write her latest book, because, she said she just can't remember from one day to the next what she's written - so it's a constant process of going back and forward. Bloody hell! She's been at it for years and now it takes her four years to write her way to an ending. I'm thinking that my characters will always just sort of wander about willy nilly, poking their noses into things they shouldn't, wandering off on tangents and generally being quite messy and difficult - like herding cats. which all in all seems to me - to be how my life is... A series of cat herding challenges, each made more difficult than the last by the onset of my own creeping dementia. Yoiks...