Last week I had 30 minutes before heading off to meet Hils - so I started to write with no real idea of where to. This half a story popped out - and I quite like it. It may be the first I go back and rework. I'll go for the second half this week... or you could finish it and we'll put the alternative endings up. I doubt you'll have time, but it's a cool idea huh? xxx
The idea came to margy a few weeks ago on her way past the cake shop on Gloucester Road. From the moment the shop opened it had struck her that the owner would struggle to sell her dainty doll like cakes, sandwhiched as she was between a seedy comic shop with graffitti decorated walls and security grilles and a pointless independent supermarket that sold only things in tins. If it comes in a tin - Parminder sells it. Fray Bentos pies, channa dahl, grapefruit segments in syrop- all available in tins, all sold in the weirdly shaped little inconvenience store.
"Eating tinned things makes you fat" margy reminds herself regularly when she passes the shop.